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Event Details

NERG: Agroforestry Day

Newcastle University Cockle Park Farm

Join our North England Regional Group for an introduction to agroforestry at Newcastle University's Cockle Park Farm near Morpeth.

This session will be an introduction to agroforestry including types and systems as well as the regulations which cover it (England only). We will also cover the connections between UKFS and agroforestry, funding for agroforestry, the role that foresters can play, what knowledge gaps there are, and the mindset of foresters and farmers - looking at a whole farm perspective. This will be followed by a Great Northumberland Forest case study. After lunch, James Standen (Farm Manager for Cockle Park) will lead a farm walk looking at where they have applied agroforestry and what they have learnt from the process.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.


Kirsten Johnson - Woodland Officer, Great Northumberland Forest

James Ramskir-Gardiner - Agroforestry Adviser

James Standen - Farm Manager, Cockle Park

Additional information
Please clean vehicles and footwear before this event

Booking Type

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Please note: If you are booking for other members, it is helpful if you have their membership number(s).