Event Booking

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Event Details

Wales Summer Field Visit

Pentyrch Rugby Football Club



This years ICF Wales Summer Field Visit is kindly being hosted by Natural Resources Wales in South Wales. In the 1920's the Forestry Commission planted their first trees here in South Wales.  The forest blocks in this area were once a strategic reserve of pit props in close proximity to the industrial heart of Wales.The 1922 Douglas Fir trees are still standing but their surroundings have changed significantly. Challenging access, high recreational pressure, adjacent housing, antispocial behaviour, fires, mining infrastructure are all part and parcel of forest management in South Wales.

Join us to visit some highly constrained and unique forest blocks where the team will share their challenges and successes with us and likewise invite delegates to share their experience and knowledge from their own sites.  Members and non members welcome! This is a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with colleagues.

Meet at Pentyrch Rugby Football Club at 9 am for tea, coffee and sausage sandwiches followed by a short presentation before heading out to site.  Please note delegates will need to bring packed lunch. We will need to maximise car sharing to make the site visit as efficient as possible.

Booking Type

Please select the type of booking required from the options below:

Please note: If you are booking for other members, it is helpful if you have their membership number(s).